Unlock the magic of Vienna

Vienna is steeped in history and imperial grandeur, the majestic palaces and monuments are found amongst one of the highest standards of living in the world, which is due in no small part to the relaxed coffeehouse and eatery vibe that the city exudes.

Attractions in Vienna

Emperor Franz Joseph commissioned this 5.3km boulevard, it houses some of Austria's most famous sites.
Vienna Rathaus
A neo-Gothic city hall built in 1883, it's regarded as the pinnacle of the Ringstrasse's 19th century sites.
Belvedere Palace
A fine baroque palace built for Prince Eugene of Savoy after his victory over the ottoman empire.
Schönbrunn Palace
The summer house for the Hasburg's rulers, it has become one of the most important cultural sites in Austria.
Danube River
The Wachau valley stretch is one of the most beautiful sections of this profoundly important European river.
Belvedere Palace Gardens
One of Europe’s most significant gardens in French style and still a fine example of late Baroque garden design. Walk along through the gardens and admire the stunning views of the Upper Belvedere's façade reflected in the large pool.
Austrian Parliament Building
Designed by Theophil Hansen, who designed several notable buildings in the city center, the Parliament Building evokes ancient Grecian themes of liberty and rule of law.
Schönbrunn Palace Gardens
The park at Schönbrunn Palace opened to the public around 1779, with many different features, making it the perfect recreational area for both visitors and locals.
Gloriette at Schönbrunn
Take a look across the gardens and up to the crest of the hill to find this splendid building that coronates the Palace Gardens.
Neptune Fountain
Neptune driving across the seas symbolizes monarchs controlling the destiny of their nations.
Hall of Ceremonies
The Hall of Ceremonies served not only as a Large Antechamber to Emperor Franz Stephan's apartments but also as a ceremonial hall for family celebrations.
Private State Apartments
Explore the interior of the imperial couple's private Apartments in the Palace.
Blue Chinese Salon
Admire the intricate floral wall paintings at the Blue Chinese Salon, which once served as the council chamber of Emperor Franz I, Stephan.
Salon of Franz Karl
This Room was last occupied by Archduke Franz, the father of Emperor Franz Joseph.
Great Gallery
Marvel at the 40 meters Great Gallery which provided the ideal setting for court functions back at the time of the emperors.
Vieux-Laque Room
The Vieux Laque Room was the private study of Franz Stephan, redecorated by Empress Maria Theresa in his honor after death.
Chinese Cabinets
The two cabinets were decorated with precious chinoiserie furnishings and details, testifying the Asian influence and predilection in the early eighteenth century.
Gobelin Salon
The walls of the Gobelin Salon are decorated with 18th-century Brussels tapestries showing market and harbor scenes.
Giant Wheel of Vienna
Vienna's world-famous Wheel, dating from 1897, is visible from afar the city skyline creating a very special point of reference for every visitor with its unmistakable silhouette.
St. Stephens Cathedral
A defining symbol of the city, Vienna's beloved Stephansdom was built in the 1137 and is a Gothic gem.
Messerschmidt 'Character Heads'
Messerschmidt created the famous series of sculptures known as 'Character Heads' between 1770 and his death in 1783.
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller paintings
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (1793–1865) is considered the most important Austrian artist of the 19th century.
Gustav Klimt's paintings
His exquisite representations of women have led him to become the most celebrated painter of the female portrait of the late 19th and early 20th.
Klimt 'The Kiss'
Klimt's most popular painting with added gold leaf, silver, and platinum, depicts an embracing couple kneeling in a grassy patch of wildflowers.
Belvedere's Baroque Style
The Belvedere is a magnificent Baroque palace that houses one of Austria's most valuable art collections.
The stunning art-nouveau clock stands in the city center and has twelve different figures, each one appearing for a designated hour of the day.
Sausage Stands
The Viennese sausage is so popular it has its own subculture, try it at the sausage stands around the city.
A vast emporium, created in the 16th Century, which sells Austrian, Turkish and Eastern European delicacies.
Baked goods at Naschmarkt
Try any of the delicious baked options in the Market.
Olives & Snacks at Naschmarkt
Colourful olives and other snacks play with your senses as you walk through the Market.
Gerstner patisserie
Imperial patisserie in Vienna with Austrian pastry-making tradition.
Sacher Cake
The Viennese famous cake was invented by Franz Sacher in 1832 for Prince Metternich in Vienna.
Danube River Cruise
Experience the Wachau stretch of the Danube by boat, which is steeped in history and staggeringly beautiful.
Hofburg Imperial Palace
The home of the Habsburg dynasty between the 13th and 20th Century, it is built with stunning architecture.
Mozart Monument
One of Vienna's most beloved composers, Mozart created 24 operas in his short 35 years of life.
This museum and concert venue is the last remaining of the apartments in which Mozart lived.
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Built at the end of the nineteenth century to house the royal family's extensive art collection, the museum has one of the great art collections of Europe and unparalleled ornate architecture.
Spanish Ridding School
Home to the famed Lippizaner dressage horses, the Spanish Riding School maintains an air of tradition and elegance where you can see traditional dressage practiced.
Maria Theresien Platz
Built by her successor, the square devoted to the Hapsburg's only empress houses several notable museums and a festive Christmas market in winter.
The park was originally built for the royal family and is now a green space for escaping the city center's crowds. It's also where you'll find the statue erected to Mozart.
Augustinian Church
Visit the Augstinerkirche, which served as the church for the Hapsburg monarchy for 3 centuries and dates back to the 14th century.
St. Michael's Church
Sprawling with over 8 centuries of architecture, artwork, and history, St Michael's Church is one of Vienna's must-see spots.
Austrian National Library
The stunning Baroque library, once serving the Hapsburg royal family, has over two million volumes of work, along with numerous hidden passageways behind bookcases.
Velázquez paintings
The museum holds several portraits by Velázquez, largely of the Spanish royal family in the 17th century.
Bruegel 'Hunters in the Snow'
Bruegel was one of the early Dutch masters who painted non-religious scenery during the Reformation in the mid-sixteenth century. Many of his works are on display at Kunsthistorisches Museum.
Bruegel 'The Tower of Babel'
Pieter Bruegel created this incredibly intricate masterpiece in 1563. Zoom in on the details and rich history of this painting, which still captures our imagination.
Kunstkammer Museum
More than 2,100 valuable objects, collected by the emperors and archdukes of Habsburg over centuries, are considered the most important collection of this kind in the world.
Dome hall Café
Museum coffee room underneath the dome surrounded by art.
Vermeer 'The art of painting'
Vermeer was familiar with the theory behind perspective and deliberately used it in his paintings.
Rembrandt paintings
Rembrandt's self-portraits were created by the artist looking at himself in a mirror, and the paintings and drawings, therefore, reverse his actual features.
Rubens paintings
Considered the most influential artist of the Flemish Baroque tradition, Rubens, painted altarpieces, portraits, landscapes, and mythological subjects.
Raphael 'Madonna in the Green'
The painting represents the figures of the Virgin Mary, the infant Jesus, and an infant John the Baptist in a calm grassy meadow, in a pyramidal arrangement linked by their gazes.
Caravaggio 'David with the head of Goliath'
Caravaggio availed himself of this painting method to create Tenebrism, which has slight differences from Chiaroscuro.
Titian paintings
Titian was the greatest painter of 16th-century Venice and recognized early in his own life as a supremely talented painter.
St Stephen's Cathedral Catacombs
Descend below the cathedral into seven centuries of catacombs, which continue to be used today for deceased members of the clergy.
Haus der Musik
The Haus der Musik is an homage to sound - a literal symphony on display and is a spectacularly interactive museum.
Café Frauenhuber
Is the oldest cafe in Vienna where Mozart and Beethoven once played.
Franciscan Church
Is one of the several hidden gems in Vienna which has a renaissance facade but a beautiful baroque interior.
Vienna Central Cemetery
One of the world's largest cemeteries, the Vienna Central Cemetery is where Mozart, Strauss II, Brahms, and Schubert are all buried.
The Hundertwasser House
Designed by the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser and located in the 3rd Viennese district, this house will draw your attention with its colorfully decorated exterior façade.
Musicians memorials at Vienna's Central Cemetery
Visit the gravesites of famous musicians and composers like Schönberg, Brahms, Beethoven, the Strauss family, and some others surrounding Mozart's Memorial.
Schönbrunn Christmas Market
The Christmas Market in front of Schönbrunn Palace enchants with its imperial backdrop and creates the perfect atmosphere as you get immersed in the festive Christmas spirit.
Cellini 'The Saliera'
The salt cellar 'Saliera' occupies pride of place in the Kunstkammer Chamber of Wonders at the Kunsthistorisches Museum.
Chapel of Ka-ni-nisut
Discovered in 1913, the chapel of 'Ka-ni-nisut' has once served for the practice of the funerary cult where priests or relatives of the death performed an offering ritual for his benefit. On the walls of the chapel, there were depictions of such rituals and the texts accompanying their performance.
Egyptian Sarcophagi and Coffins
Among the highlights of the Egyptian wing, there are numerous sarcophagi and coffins to discover.
Egyptian objects
Admire the collection of unique daily life objects on the Egyptian wing of the Museum.
Egyptian & Near Eastern Collection
Is among the world’s most important collections of Egyptian antiquities with more than 17.000 objects date from a period of almost four thousand years, from the Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods to the early Christian era.
Theseus Mosaic
Discovered on the floor of a Roman villa at the Loigerfelder near Salzburg, it portrays scenes from the Theseus legend, set in an ornamental framework.
Roman Portrait Heads
Roman portraiture was one of the most significant periods in the development of portrait art.
Greek and Roman Antiquities Collection
The collection expands to nine halls and seven cabinets which include around 2.500 objects on display.
Christmas Market at Belvedere
Step into the joy of Christmas with a walk through Belvedere's Christmas Market. Catch the views across the lake and photograph the palace, market, and Christmas lights in their entirety.
Vienna's Jewish Quarter
A lasting memory of the once thriving Jewish community in Vienna, Sigmund Freud being the most famous member.
A town square in Vienna's Innere Stadt that was the centre of the Viennese Jewish Community in the Middle Ages.
Hoher Markt
Is one of the oldest and most historic squares in Vienna, located in the middle of the old town of the 1st district.
Café Central
A traditional Viennese café located in Vienna's first district, visited by the most important historical figures of the 19th and 20th centuries like Stalin, Hitler, Tito, and Trotsky among others.
Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial
Also known as the Nameless Library is the central memorial for the Austrian victims of the Holocaust.
The Plague Column
Column of The Trinity, erected after the Great Plague epidemic in 1679.
Jewish Museum Vienna
The permanent exhibition provides insights into the diversity of Jewish life in Vienna from the Middle Ages to the present day.
A group of houses designed by Hundertwasser; with his typical vividly colourful, winding style.
St Peter's Church
This baroque church, by the same architect as the Belvedere palace, occupies the city's first Christian site.
Greek Quarter
Greek merchants began taking residence here in the 18th century, it contains striking art nouveau buildings.
Sigmund Freud's house
A museum documenting the (in)famous psychoanalyst's life story with an intro to the theories he worked on.
Located in Vienna's woodland, this hill offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding area.
Viennese Coffee Houses
Vienna's famous cafes have been an vital part of the city since the first one opened in the 17th century.
Vienna State Opera
Built in 1869, the Vienna State Opera has long stood as one of the attractions which draws in music lovers and curious visitors alike.
Johann Strausse II
Famed for his composition of over 500 pieces - notably waltzes, the Viennese composer is commemorated in the city's Wiener Park.
St. Virgil's Chapel
A subterranean thirteen-century chapel that was discovered in 1973, with one of the best preserved Gothic interiors in the city of Vienna.


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