Kraków Barbican

A historic gateway to the Old Town, the Kraków Barbican is an impressive relic of the city's old fortifications.

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Main Square (Rynek Glowny)
A gigantic medieval square, Rynek Glowny is Kraków’s beating heart.
St Mary’s Basilica
A model of Brick Gothic style, this church is home to the Poland's national treasure: the gigantic wooden Altarpiece of Veit Stoss.
Cloth Hall
The beautiful Renaissance 'Sukiennice' at the centre of Main Square was the commerical hub of Kraków.
Krakow Old Town
Krakow Old Town is the historic centre of Krakow. It is one of the most visited and famous old districts in Poland today.
Planty Park
Encircling the Old Town, the thirty scenic gardens of Planty Park are perfect for a relaxing stroll.
St Florian’s Gate
Dedicated to Poland's patron saint, the country's best known Gothic tower is the starting point of the Royal Road of Kraków.

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