The Sixth Floor Museum

The exhibition chronicles the life, assassination and legacy of President John F. Kennedy.

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Related Tours

JFK Assassination & The Sixth Floor Museum: Private Tour
Dallas is a vibrant, multi-cultural city, known for its skyscrapers, Tex Mex food, culture, sport, and industry - but it became world famous on 22 November 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed by ex-U.S Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald, as his motorcade travelled through Dealey Plaza in the heart of the city. It was an event that shocked the nation and the world. In the years since, there have been hundreds of investigations, documentaries, and conspiracy theories regarding the events of that day. This tour will show you where it all happened. 

On your private tour you will:

  • Meet your expert private guide who will introduce the tour, the questions, and conspiracies that surround the shooting of J.F.K by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963;
  • Head to Dallas Old City Hall where Oswald was shot after being arrested;
  • Walk along Main Street, today famous for its upmarket hotels, boutiques, and restaurants; 
  • Arrive at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza - a monument to the popular president erected in 1970;
  • Pass by the John Neely Bryan Cabin - the home of the man who founded Dallas in 1840;
  • Walk around Dealey Plaza, where J.F.K's motorcade was driving through the crowds of well-wishers and the president was shot next to his wife Jackie - it was caught on camera and televised around the world; 
  • Stand on The Grassy Knoll which marks the exact spot where it happened;  
  • End your tour with tickets to visit The Sixth Floor Museum dedicated to President Kennedy's life, assassination and legacy, at Dealey Plaza, where your guide will leave you to explore at your own pace. 

On 22 November 1963 Democrat President John F. Kennedy visited Dallas, Texas with his wife, the First Lady Jackie Kennedy. The couple was young and glamorous and represented fresh hope and optimism; they were popular around America and the world. President Kennedy's inaugural address two years earlier in 1961 is famous for his question to the nation: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!" 

Kennedy's visit cleared some political frictions amongst fellow Democrat politicians. Although Texas was and is a Republican State, the cheering crowds that turned out to welcome the president were legion. While in the car, the first lady of Texas sitting in front of JFK turned to him and said, "Well Mr President, you can't say that Texas doesn't love you". His reply: "No you certainly can't". 

The most tragic of ironies happened just moments later. 

At 12.30 pm Lee Harvey Oswald an ex-US marine with a troubled past, stationed at a window on the Sixth Floor of the Texas School Book Depository, took aim and shot President Kennedy three times while his motorcade made its way through Dealey Plaza. The president died half an hour later from his wounds. He was just 46 years old. 

Your guide will tell you all about the lives of Oswald and Kennedy and talk you through the events of that day. Then you'll hear about Oswald's arrest and subsequent murder - on television - whilst in police custody at Old City Hall by a nightclub owner Jack Ruby, who claimed he did it to avenge the president. 

After hundreds of hours of investigations by the police and the FBI, many people still don't believe the whole truth is out there, with too many unanswered questions. Your guide will talk you through the many active conspiracy theories as well as the established facts. 

At the end of the tour - what will you think about who killed JFK? 


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