The Declaration House

Though the original structure no longer stands, the National Park Service rebuilt a replica of the house where Thomas Jefferson penned his immortalized words, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’

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Independence Hall
This historic building was where both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were debated.
Independence Mall
The three blocks in central Philadelphia are home to some of the historic buildings in which some of the country's momentous founding moments took place.
Philadelphia Old City Hall
It served as the first Supreme Court until 1800, presided over by John Jay. The building continued to be the city hall until 1854.
Liberty Bell
One of the most iconic symbols of American independence, the Liberty Bell cracked the first time it rung and was twice recast.
Second Bank of the United States Portrait Gallery
The Second Bank of the United States was the second federally authorized Hamiltonian national bank in the United States.
The President's House Site
Exploring the role of slavery at the founding of the United States, the site challenges norms that have developed around the myths of the Founding Fathers.

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