Archie Manning House

NFL superstars, Peyton and Eli Manning, both grew up in the family home in the Garden District.

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Briggs-Staub House
Built by a Londoner in 1849, it's the only Gothic Revival style home in the Garden District.
Musson Bell House
Musson, a French Creole, was a cotton merchant, and the uncle of impressionist painter Degas. He lived in the home until 1869.
Bradish Johnson House
A plantation and sugar refinery owner, Johnson's industrial wealth enabled him to live a life of luxury in the Garden District and in Madison Square, New York City.
Joseph Merrick Jones House
Named for its resident throughout the first half of the 20th century, it has been owned by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails and is said to be owned by John Goodman now,
Steamboat Natchez Jazz Cruise
Hop aboard this classic paddle wheel boat for a journey down the Mississippi River to the sounds of jazz.
Garden District
The Garden District is a picturesque and historic neighbourhood known for its stunning antebellum mansions, lush gardens, and charming streets.

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