Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Explore the world's largest collection of space and aviation artifacts.

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Wright Brothers Flyer
Aviation has always captured the mind of people, and this is your chance to see the Wright brothers' first successful heavier-than-air powered aircraft.
Apollo Lunar Module
Transport your imagination to space on the L2 Lunar Module, which was designed and built alongside the craft which took Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's trip to the moon.
National Gallery of Art
An extensive art museum, which features a number of artworks of Alexander Hamilton and his family.
Presidential Conspiracies
From W.H. Harrison through JFK, every 20 years a president died in office. Reagan 'broke the curse' with an assassination attempt that almost killed him outside a DC Hilton.
Piet Mondrian 'Tableau No. IV
The abstract or neo-plastic painting from Piet Mondrian, Tableau No. IV: Lozenge Composition with Red, Gray, Blue, Yellow, and Black can be found at the National Gallery of Art in DC
'Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle)' by Wassily Kandinsky
Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle) is an abstract painting from a work series by Wassily Kandinky between 1909 and 1913, today found at the National Gallery of Art in DC.

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