
Living on the high grasslands, largely above the tree line, marmots are burrowing house-cat sized rodents. Keep your eyes peeled for one at Hurricane Ridge.

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Marymere Falls
Located a mile from Crescent Lake, Marymere Falls is one of the park's most visited waterfalls.
Olympic National Park
On Washington's western peninsula, glaciers, lakes, redwoods, waterfalls, and mountains await the adventurer.
Throughout the park, be on the lookout for bears and mountain lions, but you're most likely to encounter deer throughout the park.
Hurricane Ridge
From Hurricane Ridge, look for the highest peak in the park and glaciers in one direction, and in the other wave across the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Canada.
Lake Crescent
Fed by several creeks and lacking in nitrogen which prevents algae growth, Lake Crescent is a brilliant blue and begging for a swim. Beware the chill of the cool waters though!
Queen Anne Neighborhood
The Queen Anne neighborhood sits at the highest point in Seattle and overlooks the downtown area. It's known for its cultural and musical activities, year-round.

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