Concord, MA

A small town outside of Boston, Concord is known primarily for its role in the Revolutionary War and the transcendentalist movement.

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Walden Pond
Made famous by Thoreau, who had a home on the north side of the lake, Walden Pond is now a National Historic Landmark.
Old North Bridge
Made famous as the site of the first day of the Revolutionary War, Old North Bridge lives in history as the place where “the shot heard ‘round the world” was fired.
Orchard House
Formerly the home of Louisa May Alcott, Orchard House appeared in both Little Women films, and is the setting of many of the books’ famed moments.
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery
Though it is the burial place of several notable writers, and has an area devoted to them called ‘Author’s Ridge’, the cemetery remains in use today by the people of Concord.
The Old Manse
This famous mansion has been the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s grandfather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and has a garden constructed by Henry David Thoreau.
Lexington Green
George Washington called the battle on Lexington Green the first battle of the revolution, where 8 minutemen were killed and 10 more were injured.

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Visit Historic Concord on a Private Day Trip from Boston

From its revolutionary history to its literary history, Concord is a must-see for any history or literary buff and a perfect day trip idea from Boston. Immerse yourself in the birthplace of renowned literary figures inspired by nature, and explore important landmarks of American history, including the American Revolution.

On your private day trip, you will:

  • Visit the site of the first battle of the American Revolutionary War, the Old North Bridge, that not only offers lovely views but there are various historical monuments worth exploring;
  • Visit the Old Manse House grounds, famous for its American historical and literary associations as it was the home for both Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne;
  • Take a stroll down the scenic Sleepy Hollow Cemetery - the final resting place for the Alcott family, Thoreau, and Emerson at Author’s Ridge;
  • Visit author Louisa May Alcott’s charming Orchard House and enjoy their guided tour of the historic home;
  • Travel back in time to Walden Pond, where 18th-century author Henry David Thoreau's Walden followed his yearning for a simple life, not only historical but gorgeous.

Concord, a town to the northwest of Boston, has a key place in US history, as a town shaped by rebellion, militiamen and revolutionary spirit. It is here that around 2,000 militiamen - dubbed “minutemen” for their ability to be ready for action at a moment’s notice - gathered to pursue British troops.

The town’s North Bridge has significant national importance, as the historical site of the Battle of Concord on the first day of the American War of Independence. When news of the battle reached London, it made a strong statement regarding the grit of patriot forces.

Honoured in American history today, as the American Revolutionary War’s first military engagement, Concord paved the way for the Liberty and creation of the United States of America.

However, aside from its revolutionary history, the old town of Concord is known as being the home of several authors and the transcendentalist movement. The town was where Thoreau wrote On Walden Pond, where The Scarlet Letter author, Hawthorne, lived, and where Louisa May Alcott grew up in Orchard House, one of the stars of her novel, Little Women.

On your tour, you will have the chance to visit Orchard House, with tickets included for you to explore the house. Delve into the fascinating literary history of the area by visiting Author’s Ridge and the home of Louisa May Alcott.

For the true literary enthusiast, we suggest visiting The Concord Bookshop, where you can even acquire works from all the authors who famously lived in the town.



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