Scuola del Cuoio

Was founded after World War II through the collaborative efforts of the Franciscan friars and the Gori and Casini families. Their mission was to give orphans of the war a means to learn a practical trade with which to earn a living.

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Palazzo Vecchio
The city’s magnificent town hall was first built in 1299, and has seen many different names and uses over its history.
Loggia dei Lanzi
Beloved since the 14th century for its superb arches, the Loggia is today an open-air museum of Renaissance sculpture.
Piazza della Signoria
Overlooked by the imposing Palazzo Vecchio and the Loggia dei Lanzi, this square is one of the city’s focal points.
Dante's Quarter
Italy’s most celebrated poet and a giant of world literature, the author of the Divine Comedy was a native Florentine.
Quarter of Santa Croce
Among the most picturesque of the city's four historical neighbourhoods, this quarter runs along the right bank of the Arno.
Forentine Book Binding
Immerse inside a bookbinding laboratory and capture the authentic charm that its products exude.

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