Plaza Francia

Plaza Francia is a very famous square in Recoleta, named after the monument gifted by the French People to Argentina to commemorate the centennial of the May Revolution in 1910. On weekends, talented artisans sell their original crafts including works in leather, ceramics, wool and metal.

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See all attractions in Buenos Aires
Monumento al General San Martin
A large statue honouring a very important Argentine founding father.
MALBA is a museum for Latin American Art in Buenos Aires. The museum holds a prestigious collection with more than 400 pieces from the XX century and temporary exhibitions around literature, films, and cinema.
Museo de Arte Popular José Hernandez
Small gallery showcasing the numerous variations of Argentine visual art.
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
The Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Fine Arts National Museum) is located in the emblematic neighbourhood of Recoleta, and it's the home to an outstanding art collection that includes work by important Argentinian and foreign artists.
Cementerio de la Recoleta
The Cementerio de la Recoleta is one of the most visited cemeteries in Buenos Aires, popular for its imposing mausoleums and vaults, that belong to many of the wealthiest and most important characters of Argentina's history, such as Eva Perón (Evita), Carlos Pellegrini, Nicolás Avellaneda and Bartolomé Mitre. More than 90 vaults have been declared a National Historic Landmark.
Floralis Generica
The Floralis Generica is an aluminium and stainless steel sculpture made by Eduardo Catalano as a gift to the city of Buenos Aires in 2002. It's located on Avenida Figueroa Alcorta in the middle of the United Nations Square, and it's one of the most photographed spots in the city.

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One Day in Buenos Aires: Private Full-Day Walking Tour

Buenos Aires is one of the most beautiful and sophisticated cities in Latin America due to its art nouveau buildings, cobblestone streets, contemporary culture, nightlife and amazing food.

On your private full-day tour you will:

  • Explore Plaza de Mayo, a remarkable 19th-century square in Buenos Aires that has been the scene of the most important moments of Argentina's history since the 19th century;
  • Discover Casa Rosada, Argentina's presidential palace, and see the balcony where Evita gave her most famous speech;
  • Step into the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral, where Jorge Bergoglio (now known as Pope Francis) led mass as Archbishop of Buenos Aires until 2013;
  • See the Cabildo, a public building in Buenos Aires that was originally built in the 16th century, and used to be the seat of the Spanish government during the colonial era;
  • Enjoy one of Buenos Aires’ great culinary icons: Café Tortoni, inaugurated in 1858 and visited by many renowned people such as Carlos Gardel, Albert Einstein, Federico Garcia Lorca and Robert Duvall among others;
  • Drive by the Obelisco, one of the most famous landmarks of Buenos Aires inaugurated in 1836 and the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires opera house, known as one of the best 5 theatres in the world because of its amazing acoustics;
  • Explore the beautiful Recoleta neighbourhood, one of the most emblematic of Buenos Aires, home to the famous Cementerio de la Recoleta (Recoleta’s Cemetery), Facultad de Derecho and the Floralis Generica, the perfect photo stop on your trip.

Buenos Aires is a special place; a blend of Europe in South America reflected in its striking architecture and cultural background mixed with enchanting Latin charm. Formerly one of the richest cities in the world, your private full-day tour will ensure you see, experience and absorb all the highlights of this vibrant city.

Your tour will start at Plaza de Mayo – the central hub of Buenos Aires that has a special place in Argentina’s consciousness. Starting with the once infamous Cabildo, your private guide will take you back in time for a taste of the revolutionary sentiment in the air when it was the focal point of the May Revolution in 1810.

Walking through the square to the oldest political monument in Argentina, the Piramide de Mayo (May Pyramid), you will hear the stories of the surrounding buildings; including the classical Catedral Metropolitana where Pope Francis was the archbishop until 2013.

The jewel of the square though is most the Casa Rosada (Pink House). This presidential mansion has been the scene of many famous moments in Argentina’s history, not least Eva Peron’s speech addressing the “shirtless”; an event featured in the film ‘Evita’ where she was played by Madonna.

You’ll then take a stroll through Avenida de Mayo, experiencing Argentine café culture at its finest at Café Tortoni. This unique establishment feels like a little piece of Paris in Buenos Aires and has been a great place to unwind since it was founded in 1858. Famous for its delicious hot chocolate and churros!

Your tour will take in iconic places like the Obelisco, where you’ll be able to admire the majestic architecture of the Teatro Colon and hear about the thriving cultural life of Buenos Aires. Your last stop will be the Recoleta neighbourhood with its famous Cementerio de la Recoleta (Recoleta’s cemetery), a vast and brooding necropolis, a haven for the city’s wild cats, that holds tombs with many interesting stories. 



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